What are the possible side effects of Nicorette® Gum?

Please read the Patient information leaflet in the Ingredients and Usage section for information on possible side effects.

How often can you chew a piece of Nicorette® Gum?

You should only chew one piece of Nicorette® Gum at a time and not use more than 15 pieces of gum per day. How frequently you use Nicorette® Gum will depend on the number of cigarettes you smoked per day and how strong they were.

Can you smoke while using Nicorette® Gum?

You can replace some cigarettes with Nicorette® Gum to help cut down the number you smoke each day, before you try to quit smoking completely.

Does Nicorette® Gum stain your teeth?

The tar and nicotine in cigarettes can stain your teeth, turning them yellow over a short period of time and brown if you smoke for many years. Nicorette® Gum doesn't contain the tar that can cause teeth staining, while Nicorette® Icy White Gum is specially formulated to fight cravings while whitening teeth.

How long does it take for Nicorette® Gum to kick in?

Nicorette® Gum acts fast to help you deal with cravings. Chew it slowly until the taste becomes strong, before resting and repeating for up to half an hour. Nicorette® Gum 4mg relieves cravings for up to nearly three hours.

Can Nicorette® Gum cause stomach problems?

If you chew Nicorette® Gum continuously, rather than following the Nicorette chewing technique, it can release nicotine too quickly and you may swallow it. This might lead to an upset stomach, hiccups or an irritated throat. If stomach problems persist, you should stop using Nicorette® Gum and contact a doctor immediately.
1 2 3 4 5
4 out of 5 stars


  • Comes in 2mg or 4mg so you can choose the right strength based on how much you smoke
  • Nicotine is absorbed quickly through the lining of your mouth helping to effectively relief your cravings
  • Chewing can help with other withdrawal symptoms such as anxiety and stress
  • Icy Mint gum with 2-in-1 action to whiten teeth and fight cravings

Flavours available

How it worksFind out more about Nicorette Gum key product features

Actively fight back against nicotine cravings and withdrawal symptoms with NICORETTE® Gum to help you quit for good.

Always read the label. Follow the directions for use. Stop Smoking Aid.

How to useRead or watch a video with usage instructions

How to use Nicorette® Gum

1. Chew the gum slowly until the taste becomes strong.

2. When the taste is strong, rest the gum between your mouth’s jaw and cheek. Your mouth's lining absorbs the nicotine.

3. After the taste has faded, resume chewing the gum until the taste becomes strong again.

4. Keep repeating steps 2 and 3 until nicotine craving disappears.

Ready to quit smoking? Chew a piece of NICORETTE® Nicotine Gum whenever you feel the urge to smoke. Over time, you’ll need to chew less and less gum to control your nicotine cravings and withdrawal symptoms. We recommend gradually reducing the number of pieces of gum that you chew each day.

Adults who smoke less than 20 cigarettes per day

Stopping Immediately

Use this as a guide:

During week 1-12
1 piece when you have an urge to smoke or every 1-2 hours. Do not use more than 20 pieces

After 12 weeks
Gradually reduce to 1-2 pieces a day and then stop use.

Cutting Down on Smoking

Gradually increase gum use (maximum 20 pieces per day) and reduce smoking with the aim of stopping by 6 months. If you have not cut down at 6 weeks or stopped at 9 months, see your doctor or pharmacist.

Adults who smoke more than 20 cigarettes per day

Stopping Immediately

During week 1-12
1 piece when you have an urge to smoke or every 1-2 hours. Do not use more than 20 pieces

After 12 weeks
Gradually reduce to 1-2 pieces a day and then stop use.

Gradually increase gum use (maximum 10 pieces per day) and reduce smoking with the aim of stopping by 6 months. If you have not cut down at 6 weeks or stopped at 9 months, see your doctor or pharmacist

WarningsRead our warnings before using this product


Do not use

  • if you are hypersensitive to any of the ingredients
  • if you are under 12 years of age

Ask your doctor or pharmacist before use if you

  • are pregnant or breastfeeding
  • are under 18 years of age
  • are taking any other medicines
  • have uncontrolled high blood pressure
  • have a stomach ulcer
  • have kidney or liver disease
  • take insulin for diabetes
  • have an overactive thyroid
  • have adrenal gland cancer.

Do not use unless a doctor has told you to if you have had a stroke or you have heart or circulation pro

Contains: Sucralose, 13mg Sodium per gum and 5.8g Xylitol per maximum recommended daily dose. Products containing xylitol may have a laxative effect or cause diarrhoea

Actively fight back against nicotine cravings and withdrawal symptoms with NICORETTE® Gum to help you quit for good.

Always read the label. Follow the directions for use. Stop Smoking Aid.

How to use Nicorette® Gum

1. Chew the gum slowly until the taste becomes strong.

2. When the taste is strong, rest the gum between your mouth’s jaw and cheek. Your mouth's lining absorbs the nicotine.

3. After the taste has faded, resume chewing the gum until the taste becomes strong again.

4. Keep repeating steps 2 and 3 until nicotine craving disappears.

Ready to quit smoking? Chew a piece of NICORETTE® Nicotine Gum whenever you feel the urge to smoke. Over time, you’ll need to chew less and less gum to control your nicotine cravings and withdrawal symptoms. We recommend gradually reducing the number of pieces of gum that you chew each day.

Adults who smoke less than 20 cigarettes per day

Stopping Immediately

Use this as a guide:

During week 1-12
1 piece when you have an urge to smoke or every 1-2 hours. Do not use more than 20 pieces

After 12 weeks
Gradually reduce to 1-2 pieces a day and then stop use.

Cutting Down on Smoking

Gradually increase gum use (maximum 20 pieces per day) and reduce smoking with the aim of stopping by 6 months. If you have not cut down at 6 weeks or stopped at 9 months, see your doctor or pharmacist.

Adults who smoke more than 20 cigarettes per day

Stopping Immediately

During week 1-12
1 piece when you have an urge to smoke or every 1-2 hours. Do not use more than 20 pieces

After 12 weeks
Gradually reduce to 1-2 pieces a day and then stop use.

Gradually increase gum use (maximum 10 pieces per day) and reduce smoking with the aim of stopping by 6 months. If you have not cut down at 6 weeks or stopped at 9 months, see your doctor or pharmacist


Do not use

  • if you are hypersensitive to any of the ingredients
  • if you are under 12 years of age

Ask your doctor or pharmacist before use if you

  • are pregnant or breastfeeding
  • are under 18 years of age
  • are taking any other medicines
  • have uncontrolled high blood pressure
  • have a stomach ulcer
  • have kidney or liver disease
  • take insulin for diabetes
  • have an overactive thyroid
  • have adrenal gland cancer.

Do not use unless a doctor has told you to if you have had a stroke or you have heart or circulation pro

Contains: Sucralose, 13mg Sodium per gum and 5.8g Xylitol per maximum recommended daily dose. Products containing xylitol may have a laxative effect or cause diarrhoea

1 2 3 4 5
(11 Reviews)
4 out of 5 stars
73% of reviewers recommend this product.
Showing 1 - 8 of 11 Reviews
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4mg nicotine really

I have used this product before, with good results, unfortunately, I weakened after 5 years, smoke free.but this time around,it doesn't have the same you could taste the nicotine, ( hiccups etc, if chewed to fast).
1 out of 1 found this review helpful.
Response from Nicorette, Consumer Care Centre 1 month 1 hour ago
Thank you for sharing your feedback, Greg. We're sorry to hear that NICORETTE® Nicotine Gum is no longer working for you. We'd appreciate learning more about your experience and seeing how we can assist. Please call us at 1800 029 979, Monday to Friday, from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM AEST. We hope to hear from you soon.

The anti smoking aid is better than smoking who ever in vented it is a good

I have smoked for 30 years and stopped a filthy habit . In Australia it was the norm to smoke .In the past I smoked Uptown 3packets a day the trick to not catching cancer I found was to drink alot of water in the time I smoked until stopped I am cancer free .nictorretee is good the oldest formula is better than today's
10 out of 10 found this review helpful.
Response from Nicorette, Consumer Care 3 years 7 months ago
Hey there! We're so thrilled to hear you're smoke free after 30 years. We'd love to learn more about your experience with our products. When you have a chance give us a call on ​1800 029 979, Monday – Friday, 7:30am – 6:00pm AET. Be sure to mention your Reviewer ID when you call so our rep can match your voice with this review. Look forward to hearing from you!

New packaging. Small boxes.

Impossible to get into. Gum soft not hard. Very disappointing. Need foil packaging to keep firm. If environmentally concerned...Please find another way. Thumbs down. Sticky yucky gum.
4 out of 12 found this review helpful.
Response from Johnson's, Consumer Care 3 years 7 months ago
We'd like to chat more and help! Please reach us on 1800 029 979, Monday – Friday, 7:30am – 6:00pm AET with your reviewer name.

For me the best way to quit

Third times a charm. 27 years smoking @ 15 a day. Switched to rolling in a bid to cut down. It helped. On my third go quitting. I usually last about a year. This time I hope for good. The gum is good as it adds a small distraction along with the nicotine. I find myself reaching for the gum more than rolling a smoke. Adding a small distraction whilst using the gum helps too. I play word searching on my phone. Or just walk around for a few mins.
13 out of 13 found this review helpful.

Saving my life, one minute at a time

I'm on day 23- not a single puff of a cigarette. 4mg FreshMint gum is my preference for the first 20 days- It kept the physical symptoms at bay. The psychological / habitual cravings are far far less now. I'm now on the 2mg ones and holding it together. I was 30+ smokes per day for 20 years. Knowing that smoking would kill me one day didn't motivate me. My children continuously asking me to stop didn't motivate me. Spending $50 a day didn't motivate me. Finding an easier way to stop smoking motivated me. Do yourself a favour and go pick up these gums and READ THE INSTRUCTIONS! The gum takes care of the worst urges while you figure out how to move on from the habit. The first 3 days aren't joyous, but the gum stops the 'crazies' well. I was struggling every half an hour for a good 20 minutes. It just gets easier every day. One thing in addition to the gums that I found was a powerful tool to stop was changing my perspective and attempting to believe that "I can no longer buy cigarettes; they are no longer available. They are not for sale anywhere. So what do I do? grow my own tobacco and wait for 3 months to harvest? How stupid- I would have already quit by then!" If they weren't available, then I would be 'able' to quit. I have very little desire to smoke now that I have broken it's back...
26 out of 30 found this review helpful.

Quality of gum is not good

Hi there. I have tried nicabate gums first then i went to buy more couldn’t find those on shelf thought your value pack will be same but sorry to say the quality of gum is not good. Its very very hard and i was exhausted in 10 min. Your gum is very hard to chew where as i was chewing nicabate gum for hours and it was like fun. Please note i am not saying product is not working i am only not happy with the quality of gum. Also if i can return these gums would be great because they are hard to chew. Thanks
3 out of 5 found this review helpful.
Response from Nicorette, Consumer Care 5 years 3 months ago
Thanks for reaching out to us, Fred. We're sorry to hear that you found the gum difficult to chew and we would like to chat with you personally to better assist you and discuss return options. Please call us on 1800 029 979 during Sydney business hours. Thanks again.

Life saver

Very impressed with the icy mint gum 2mg. I'm also using the patches & all is good. After smoking for 40+ years I'm have now been smoke free for 1 month. The gum is a life saver when that urge to smoke hits. I had to give up for health reasons & Nicorette is making it an easier process. I plan to do the 12 week program.
5 out of 8 found this review helpful.

Only 20 and trying to quit now, working well for me

I have smoked since I was 16 so it would be 4 years now. I am slowly getting there. I have gone from smoking a 30 pk a day to about 15 a day.... hoping to cut that dramatically within the next few weeks. I have positive feelings
4 out of 11 found this review helpful.